14.04.2021 / 08:30
Grain, Gate, Dunkerque & Barcelona
Energy Markets

Western Europe Gas Supply (LNG) – Grain
The European gas supply is facing a major transformation. With pipeline and domestic supply as the major sources of gas in the past, LNG breaks the traditional supply mix now.
Rising from almost 45 bcm on average in years 2015 – 2018, LNG imports to EU members more than doubled to 108 bcm in 2019. This lifts liquified gas supply to account for already 25% of total EU gas imports in 2019. By LNG supply gaining ground, competition and dependencies in the gas markets evolve to a global level.
In 2019, European main receivers were France (22,9 bcm) and Spain (21,9 bcm), followed by the UK (18 bcm) and Italy (13,5 bcm).
In the same year, top suppliers of LNG to Europe were Qatar (32,1 bcm), followed by Russia (20,5 bcm) and the USA (18,3 bcm).
In this series of two posts, we will introduce eight main LNG terminals of Europe.
Please welcome guests from the Isle of Grain, Rotterdam (Gate), Dunkerque, and Barcelona.