19.07.2021 / 07:45
EU Natural Gas Imports: Outlook
Energy Markets

In our most recent post of our series about Western European gas supply we focussed on historical gas supply development in Europe.
But what about the future? What is the gas supply setup for Europe going to look like?
In our post concluding this series, we analysed existing and planned technical infrastructure.
A special focus was set on the comparison of dry gas and LNG delivery to Western Europe.
In case all currently planned pipelines will be constructed, the technical import capacity of Europe’s major import pipelines sums up to 366 bcm in 2026. This is an increase of 35% in 5 years.
In comparison, LNG import capacities are expected to rise by 21.1 % from 2021 to 2026.
Find details in our post below and get insights by contacting us directly.