07.02.2022 / 08:00
Energy Markets

European Power Spot Exchanges (Part 2) –
Update 07.02.2022
EPEX Spot, the leading Power Spot Exchange in Europe, just announced its total trading volume of 54.3 TWh in January, which constitutes an increase compared to 53.8 TWh in January 2021. For many years now, EPEX Spot is constantly growing in trading volume.
In particular, intraday trading with reduced lead times and more trades via API has led to a general elevated speed in the market. This in turn shows a great volume increase. Flexibility emerging from renewable generation and price fluctuations require a quicker response on the energy market, which results in 15-minute products being traded with higher volumes every day.
Additionally, Epex is actively participating in the advancement of the whole European Energy market such as the Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project, which just announced the successful start of the Internal Parallel Run.
Nevertheless, Epex is not the only exchange of interest and we will keep you up-to-date on the latest developments of a dozen European exchanges in the next few weeks.
The European power market is diverse. Besides many different market participants and a huge set of tradable power products, there are quite a few power exchanges spread across Europe.
The power spot procedures, tradable contracts, and volumes as well as the participation in e.g. above-mentioned initiatives show a big spread across these different European power exchanges.
The FORRS Factsheets summarize the details for a set of important European exchanges.