Promoting your professional development is as important to us as it is to you, as we place great value on having knowledgeable, curious employees and associates.
Everyone on the FORRS team and in our network has a proven track record in various market domains and international environments over many years – both individually and jointly.
We partner with capable, flexible, and committed providers to complete the service portfolio that our clients are able to leverage, through a wide range of options and appropriate guidance toward the most suitable solution available.
Our customers’ success is our top priority. We seek people with strong technical and social skills, who work both independently and as team members on innovative concepts. Regardless of your career stage, you have a high degree of initiative and responsibility, supporting customer goals with passion and intelligence.
Whether an experienced Senior Consultant, Partner, or Junior Consultant, by contributing to the success of our customers you contribute personally to the lasting success of FORRS.
The demands on you as an employee are high. As a consultant you will perform analyses, develop concepts, and optimize workflows. In addition to methodological, technical, and industry related expertise, you will be required to possess a strong personality, emotional commitment, and initiative.
Promoting your professional development is as important to us as it is to you, as we place great value on having knowledgeable, curious employees and associates. Your individual learning curve will be supported by a proven training program and continuous feedback, and, optionally, a personal mentor.

We seek people with strong technical and social skills, who work both independently and as team members on innovative concepts.